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Town of Georgetown
Affordable Housing Trust

Minutes (approved 10-4-10)

Date:  9-Jun-10 7:00pm Town Hall 2nd floor meeting room

Attendance: Charles (Chas) Waters; David Surface; Tim Gerraughty; Barbara Hart; Phil Trapani (late)

Guest: None

TG made a motion to approve the minuets of 10-Mar-10 2nd DS vote 4-0

Trust Accounting
CW informed the board that the trust now has $87,796 (Affordable Housing Trust Fund Account).  The moneys voted at town meeting should arrive in July.  The bank holding the funds is Eastern Bank.
  • It was agreed that DS to maintain the accounting with columns of CPC money and General Trust Money and that a quarterly report be an agenda item at our regular monthly meeting
  • DS to check and see if the funds could be transferred to Georgetown Savings Bank
Grant Agreement
CW said he had talked with Harry LaCortiglia (Chair of CPC) about the preparation of a mutually acceptable Grant Agreement between the CPC and Trust pertaining to the CPA monies appropriated by the Town at Town Meeting on May 3, 2010.  Harry received authority from the CPC to work with CW in preparing a draft Grant Agreement that both chairs would then take back to their respective boards in an effort to reach a final agreement.  
  • DS made a motion to authorize CW to work with Harry from the CPC on a draft Grant Agreement that he would then bring back to the Trust for review TG 2nd, vote 5-0.
RFP for the Housing Production Plan (HPP)
Discussion took place regarding the RFP for a housing needs study.  DS informed us that Mike Farrell (Town Administrator) would help with the posting once a draft is generated.  CW wanted to draft a “services needed” description as part of an RFP using ones done in Medway and Easton plans as well as other input and send it out to the board for review.  Trustees could send minor changes and if there were to be debate we would schedule a meeting to discuss.

DS made a motion to authorize CW to submit final “services needed” description to Mike Farrell once Trustees had a chance to make changes to proposed description, TG 2nd, vote 5-0

True Lane Handout
BH brought to the board attention that there are multiple properties in town that currently have deed riders and count towards our affordable housing stock that are not in line with DHCD’s current calculations.  There was much talk about the way the numbers were calculated in the past and how they are calculated now.  We were informed that once a homeowner informs the town of their intent to sell it starts of a 90-day process.  The trust would need to have available funds for a multitude of scenarios that could arise.

It was decided that the Trust needs to look at these on an individual bases at the time of notification.  PT wanted to initiate a process that would start with the board being notified of the impending sale and a flow chart of action items and associated deadlines to ensure that the rights of the homeowners as well as the Affordable Housing stock was maintained.  There was discussion that this flow chart of action would be provided to the Trustees and the owners of the properties subject to these deed riders, so that everyone would know the obligations of the owners, timelines, and the process.
  • BH to get a book regarding DHCH requirements to Mike Farrell
  • Selectman to generate a procedure that notifies the trust and the task force of an impending sale of an affordable unit.
  • With the first notification the Trust will generate a flow chart and use that as a procedure for the future.
Trust Terms Expiring
David informed the trust that at the last selectman’s meeting there was confusion about appointments.  The paperwork showed three opening TG; BW & CW (who is not up for re-appointment till 2011.)  There were also just 2 requests for appointment received at the selectman’s office.  The appointments will be voted on at the next selectman’s meeting.

Tim G. made a motion to adjourn 8:13pm (David S. 2nd) Vote 5-0 in favor.